Ledger.Com/Start | Live to start setting up your device

To set up your Ledger hardware wallet and start the process at "Ledger.com/Start," follow these steps:

1. Unboxing Your Ledger Wallet:

2. Connect to Your Computer:

3. Visit Ledger.com/Start:

4. Choose Your Device:

5. Install Ledger Live (Optional):

6. Initialize Your Ledger Device:

7. Record Your Recovery Seed:

8. Confirm Your Recovery Seed:

9. Set Up a Secure PIN:

10. Access Your Ledger Live Account:

11. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

It's essential to follow the setup process carefully and keep your recovery seed phrase secure. Never share it with anyone and store it in a safe place. The security of your hardware wallet and the associated cryptocurrency assets depends on your vigilance in safeguarding your recovery seed and PIN.

For the most accurate and detailed instructions during the setup process, refer to the Ledger start page and follow the on-screen guidance specific to your Ledger model. Ledger takes security seriously, and their official resources should be your primary reference for setting up and using your Ledger hardware wallet.